Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Find It & Fix It

"The Bible is not just a book; the Bible is a living force that creates its path when applied"
-Napoleon Bonaparte.

When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty
-Jeremiah 15.16 NIV

The WORD of God carries everything required in our making.1 The Bible says that, “by His (Jesus) own mighty word, He holds the universe together” (Heb 1.3 cev). And this includes your life and mine. If you want to truly live a dignified life, then endeavor to develop a sincere devotion to the Scripture. It’s the kingdom Achievers’ success secret.2  

In fact, the renowned King David in his Psalms says, “by Your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” (Psa 119.105 msg). That is how fundamental the Word (Bible) is to our lives’ adventure. The truth is, the Word of God defines the limits of your life.3 Inspired by this insight, Adoniram Judson, that renowned American Congregationalist and Baptist missionary once said that “the future is as bright as the promises of God.” There is power in the Word for you.

“Knowledge is power” This revolutionary insight is at least four centuries old as once formulated by Francis Bacon. That is dunamis. As time progressed, it became an indisputable fact that, knowledge on its own is not power, but knowledge applied is power at work. The Word of God carries the ever dynamic power which is unleashed through your faith and conscious application.

The anchor scripture inspires us on individual productive disposition to the Word, i.e. prompt appropriation and intentional application of every word you encounter. Find it and fix it! You don’t accumulate scriptures for any reasons other than for use. You discover it and dutifully deploy it –translating the Word content into material reality.4 As the saying goes, use it or lose it. Jesus revealed that, “When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it (or use it), the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart.” (Matt 13.19 msg)

The creation episode of the Bible in Genesis chapter one is an inspiring story of the Word triumph in the midst of serious chaos, when God, armed with the living word, consistently engaged it to create a lasting change, …with a word making something out of nothing (Rom 4.17msg).  What a wonderful world we now have! 5

As observed first hand by General Napoleon Bonaparte, a respected french statesman, “the Bible is not just a book; the Bible is a living force that creates its path when applied.” Receiving the Word in its totality through unreserved internalization and prayerful appropriation can transform any life into a living proof. Please understand that every promise of the Scripture demands that you press into it by faith and prayer before it becomes evident on you. See Luke 16.16. Just find and fix it.

Action point! The beauty of this insight lies in your sense of urgency. Do not just pass a revelation over for a positive action in the future. Do it now! Whatever change you have to create with the Word, the time is now. No more procrastination. Do it now!

To maximize the provision of every promise in the Word, here is Jesus’ rule of the game;
“But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it (or fix it), and bring forth fruit with patience.” (Luke 8.15 kjv)

As you try your hand on this truth in some specific contexts of your life, the Word will work for you In Jesus name. God bless you.

James Adekoje
For the Bible Motivator

1. John 1.3
2. Joshua 1.8
3. Deut 32.46-47
4. Isa 34.16,
5. Genesis 1.31