Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Stand Tall By Falling To Your Knees

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
-Phil 4.6

The strongest action you can take in any situation is to go to your knees and ask God for help. Whatever is worth worrying about is certainly worth praying about. Prayer unlocks God's treasure chest of great ideas.

One of my favorite prayers is only one word: Help!

"Help, help, help!"

When we pray, we must simultaneously be willing to take the action that God directs in answer to our prayer.

Four kinds of prayer are:

   Petition: "Father, I need."
   Intercession: "God, help."
   Praise and thanksgiving: "Thanks, Lord!"
   Conversation: "Good morning, Father."

In Philippians 4:6-7 the apostle Paul counsels us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." And in Colossians 4:2 he says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."

Here are twelve benefits of prayer:

Prayer defeats the devil (Matt. 18:18).
Prayer saves the unbeliever (Acts 2:21).
Prayer edifies the believer (Jude v. 20).
Prayer sends laborers into the harvest (Matt. 9:38).
Prayer heals the sick (James 5:13-15).
Prayer overcomes the impossible (Matt. 21:22).
Prayer changes the natural (James 5:17-18).
Prayer brings the right things to pass (Matt. 7:7-11).
Prayer imparts wisdom (James 1:5).
Prayer brings peace (Phil. 4:5-7).
Prayer guards against temptation (Matt. 26:41).
Prayer reveals God's answers (Luke 11:9-10).

© John Mason, from the book,  An Enemy Called Average

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Passion In Your Heart

“Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it springs the issues of life.
 -Prov 4.23

 “Your passion is a pointer to the problem you are created to solve”.
-Mike Murdock, American Preacher

 Sequel to the previous post on Gifts and Calling, a dimension to this that I could not adequately stress is following the passion in your heart. God benevolently wired every human being with some specific passion that, in part, points to their role(s) in life. My aim in this short thought-provoking article is to further set you on fire in your quest for personal identity, which would thus help you live intentionally as a person on a mission here.

 A strong point I emphasize throughout the book I look forward to publishing soon is, “No matter where life drops us, there is something in our lives empowered by God to do the impossible.” There is no accident in God. He’s a God of purpose, plan and objectivity. You either have a major gift or a ruling passion. David Oyedepo succinctly nails it on the head when he opined that, “You are either, running with a vision, going on a mission, or burning with a passion… If you do not belong to any of these, life is reduced to a burden.”

 Some may claim they do not have any special gifts, although this is not true, but there is something else that sets you apart; the passion in your heart. “What has God wired me for?” Some moments of rumination on this question can be incredibly illuminating.

It is written in Psa 33.14-15, “From the place of His dwelling He (God) looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.” On purpose, God wires every one of us with some inimitable uniqueness. And this heartfelt passion is a pointer to your crusade in life. As implied in the bible passage above, God assesses your service & contributions to humanity on this basis. It’s Mike Murdock that said, “Your passion is a pointer to the problem you are created to solve”.
The world cannot forget the charitable impacts of the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta in a hurry. Although Mother Teresa was not known to have carried any special charismatic gift, yet her overwhelming passion for the Indian helpless made her an Icon. She built homes for orphans, nursing homes for lepers and hospices for the terminally ill in India. Mother Teresa died a legend, having left her footprints on the sands of time.

The scripture is right all along in this regard, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it springs the issues of life. (Prov 4:23)  What makes you come alive? As Carl Jung once said, “your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” Your attractions, desire, likes, commitments and prayers are an indication of what you are destined for.
If you are a banker and you are innately passionate about media, that may be your calling. I am aware that economic necessity and family responsibility may require you to work for a season outside the area of your passion, but don't settle there. Follow your passion.

One interesting thing about your passion is that, even when you suppress it, it keeps resurfacing throughout your lifetime; a common phenomenon experienced by prophet Jeremiah in the Bible (See Jer 20.9). So, obey the inner voice.
Following your passion is highly rewarding apart from a sense of fulfilment it stimulates. As Jesus Christ once revealed to his disciples in clear terms, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Perhaps we've all heard it time and again since we were young: “Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley

Follow your passion, do what you love. Shalom

Thank you.

James Adekoje

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Gifts and Calling

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
-Romans 11.29

 “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling”
-Aristotle, Greek philosopher

 As we commence this blessed year 2015 in earnest, may all your goals and aspirations be fulfilled in Jesus name.

This edition is special, and our focus is on finding your calling. God once told Prophet Jeremiah, “Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work” (Jer 1.5 ncv). Because this is true and applicable to all humans, Apostle Paul also reconfirmed it in his words when he said, “But God had special plans for me and set me apart for his work even before I was born” (Gal 1.15). So, you are a special person with a special assignment to this particular generation.

 Make a promise to yourself never to merely exist but to really lead a purpose-driven life. As Norman cousins once verified, “The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.” This is exactly what Myles Munroe, who recently passed, had in mind when he asserted, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose.

 The Top Five Regrets of the Dying is a sensational book that never fails to awaken genuine passion for life in its readers.  Bronnie Ware, a Nurse who had worked for many years in palliative care, reveals in this book the top five regrets people make on their deathbed, in the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common subjects surfaced again and again. Here is the most common regret of all: “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

 In a similar Gallup poll conducted some time ago in the United States among several people over age 90 and asked them, “If you had your life to live over again, what would you do differently?” The bulk of them said that they would spend more time reflecting on their lives and on what is it that gives their lives a sense of value. That they would take more risks and go outside their comfort zone to use their talents and do the things that used to intimidate them.

How can I find greater meaning in my life? How can I make a lasting contribution to the rest of humanity through my work? How can I leave my footprints on the sands of time, doing God’s special work for me?

The answer is always clear; Find your calling. I believe we all have special talents that are just waiting to be engaged in a worthy pursuit. The Bible says that the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

 Your gifts and your calling are interlocked, and if you have not seen it like that, please think again. Aristotle, a prominent Greek Sage once revealed that, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.” This is perfectly consistent with God's word as highlighted above.

We are all here for some unique purpose, some divine assignment that will allow us to manifest our higher human potential while we, at the same time, add value to the lives around us. Talking about spiritual gifts, the scripture reports that, “the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all” (1 Cor 12.7).

Finding your calling doesn’t mean you must leave the job you now have or become a person you are not. It simply means you need to bring more of yourself into your work and focus on the things that matters to you and the impact that only you can make. It also means you have to stop waiting for other people to make the changes you desire and start leveraging on golden opportunities that resonate with your individuality.

BobGas, the prolific author of The Word For You Today devotionals said, “In life, your purpose is always connected to your giftedness. God doesn't call you to do something you've no talent for.” King Solomon had also said, “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men” (Prov 18:16).

Your true impact in life is at the point where your talents and the needs of the world intersect. Your gifts, talents, passions & inclinations were all pre-installed by God. God told Moses in the pursuit of his calling as a deliverer, “What is that in your hand?” (Exo 4.2) Gifts and callings are ranked equally in God’s view and when you give your talents this profound approach, it eventually becomes a calling in your hand.

I do not want you to get confused about natural talents and spiritual gifts. They are one and the same. In the words of Billy Graham whom Americans often referred to as ‘America’s pastor’: “I am not sure we can always draw a sharp line between spiritual gifts and natural abilities –both of which, remember, come ultimately from God. Nor did I believe is always necessary to mark a sharp distinction. It appears God can take a talent and transform it by the power of the Holy Spirit and use it as a spiritual gift.” As Apostle Peter once stated, As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1Pet 4:10 NASB)
Robert G. LeTourneau’s life seems to perfectly explain the interaction of gifts and calling. In the last century, RG LeTourneau was perhaps the most inspiring Christian inventor, businessman and entrepreneur the world ever saw. He went on to become the father of earth moving machinery along with more than 300 patents to his name and major contributions to road construction and heavy equipment that forever changed the world.

His contributions to the advancement of the Gospel also ranks him among the greatest of Christian Businessmen of all time, famous for living on 10% of his income and giving 90% to the spread of the Gospel & charitable courses.

 In the year 1919 as a Christian, he felt the drive to be doing more for God. So, he went to his pastor, Reverend Devol, for advice. RG thought that anyone who was wholly committed to Christ had to become a pastor or a missionary to truly fulfill his calling. But after a deep prayer session with his pastor, RG LeTourneau was shocked to hear Rev. Devol say the words that guided him for the rest of his life, “God needs businessmen too.” This was a revelation to RG and he immediately began to consider his business to be in partnership with God. That is the spiritual perspective to your giftedness that upgrades it to a calling.

As you journey this year with determined efforts to find your calling and start making deliberate attempts to fulfill it, may God’s special grace be sufficient for you.

NB: Kindly share this post with friends and add your comments to motivate other readers of this post. God bless you.

 Thank you.

 James Adekoje
For The Bible Motivator