Wednesday, December 2, 2015



“We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth” 2Cor 13.8

A long time ago, I read a fascinating biography of a legendary Baptist Pastor whose pioneering exploits cannot be overemphasized. According to his biographer, “12 Things to remember by Marshall Field as quoted in Elbert Hubbard’s Scrap Book (pg 78) was his cardinal life principles.

Here is the evergreen “Twelve Things to Remember” by Marshall Field

1. The value of time
2. The success of perseverance
3. The pleasure of working
4. The dignity of simplicity
5. The worth of character
6. The power of kindness
7. The influence of example
8. The obligation of duty
9. The wisdom of economy
10. The virtue of patience
11. The improvement of talent
12. The joy of originating.

I encourage you to internalize these wisdom nuggets. See you at the top!

James Adekoje
For the Bible Motivator

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Trigger of Peace

He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord!  - Isaiah 26.2-4(TLB)

 “The most important lesson that I have learnt is to trust God in every circumstance. …God is always in control and He will never leave us.”
- Allyson Felix, American Olympic Gold Medalist

The International Day of Peace, sometimes referred to as World Peace Day is observed around the world annually on 21 September, a courageous initiative by the United Nations in its pursuit of global peace. And recently this was celebrated amidst apparently unabated waves of universal socio-economic unrest. 

In our quest for real inner peace, unreserved trust in God has been identified as the trigger of peace in this tumultuous world. Jesus, with an eye of the future once declared, “I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world." (John 16:33).

Joyce Meyer, the great Bible teacher, in the following article reveals how to pull the trigger:

Peace is one of the most precious gifts God has promised His children. I know, because for many years my life was not peaceful, and I was miserable. So, to now have this peace and live in God's rest is a treasure to me. And it is a gift that He wants all of us to have.

But to attain this peace and rest, I had to learn to be patient while God was working in my life. It definitely didn't just happen overnight. I had to learn to trust God while His peace was being cultivated in me. And I think we all have to learn this very important lesson.

I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you're able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something…it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.

The key to it all is humility. Humility may well be one of the most difficult of the fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in us – and to maintain. That's because without humility, it's not likely that you will put your complete trust in God. I have learned from personal experience that putting trust in God means there will be some unanswered questions. That was a hard lesson for me because I naturally want to understand everything,   …to know what’s going on so I can feel like I'm in control. It’s just human nature to try and figure things out. 

So, when we're in the midst of a situation, we usually try to reason our way through it. We generally want to know "Why, God, why?" or "When, God, when?" We want to know the outcome now. Our pride just has a hard time with not knowing. Because to not know means to not be in control, and that's hard on the flesh! But humility submits to what God is doing. This is where we must make a decision. Where Will You Put Your Trust?

Deciding to trust God releases us from feeling like we have to have all the answers. And Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us exactly where to put our trust. I don't know if it can be much clearer than that,   …We are just not smart enough to run our own lives…but God is!

Here's something else I've discovered: God won’t give us the ability to solve our own problems. He's got that covered. But He does give us the capacity to help someone else solve theirs. So, while we are putting our trust in Him to work in our situation, the best thing we can do is focus on being a blessing to others.

As I mentioned earlier, another essential part of trusting God is having patience. It is very important to realize this, because even when a decision is made to trust God, it doesn't mean that things will just fall into place right away. We may have to wait – and wait longer than we think we should have to – on some things. It’s important to understand that while we're waiting, having a negative, impatient attitude will not make God hurry. 

Remember, the Children of Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness on what could have been an 11-day journey, mainly because of their attitude! When things were not going like they wanted, they began to murmur and complain and ultimately, they sinned against God, simply because they got impatient and stopped trusting Him. A good question to ask yourself is, Will I keep God's commands when I'm not getting what I want?  Will you continue to put your trust in Him? Will you exercise patience while you wait on Him to work things out for you?

I encourage you to do like the Word of God says in Psalm 5:11; 7:1; 9:10; 11:1; 16:1; 20:7, 55:22, and 56:3, just to name a few. The idea here is to plan to put your trust in God.  …to trust yourself and everything in your life to Him. That way, you will free yourself to focus on loving and being a blessing to others, while you are confident that God is working on your behalf.

Remember, God is always in control. So, humble yourself…trust Him…and be patient. You will not be disappointed. Shalom!

Source: Joyce Meyer, Bible teacher and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Back To Bethel

“For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.”
 - Isaiah 30:15 (KJV)

  “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”
- Nelson Mandela, South African Statesman

 Christianity as a way of life is a walk with God. It’s a long journey of ever increasing conformity to the image of Christ. And every day in this spiritual marathon, we are directed to fix our gaze on Jesus in order to keep in step with God.

 Jacob was one of the great Patriarchs of the Old Testament and his life as a study in this context can never fail to inspire insight. Remember, the Bible strongly advises God’s people not to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”1 A time came when Jacob had a very profound encounter with God at Bethel. Being a defining moment, he vowed to treasure the experience all his life, which also prompted God to promise never to give up on him.2 Figuratively, Bethel is a type of your salvation experience, your first love for God, your covenant encounters with God, your discovered purpose and divine assignment, etc.

 Because life presents some unavoidable distractions which could inflict deviation, it has been part of God’s benevolence to always point a way of return and restoration to our initial devotion to Him.  As once remarked by a much respected American football Coach, “When a football team is failing, an experience Coach takes them back to the basics.” It’s the same idea God had in mind when he says in Isaiah 30:15, “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.”  Also God said to a body of believers in scripture; “remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.”3

The message in this short piece is clear; Return! God told Jacob, “Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, who appeared unto thee…”4 Thus, back to bethel could mean revisiting those things that matter to your life and your walk with God. This is because, no matter how far one has gone on a wrong path, the way-out still remains humility and repentance. Interestingly, Aviation has a zone called the point of no return once an aircraft is considerably deep in flight and turning back is physically impossible or prohibitively expensive and dangerous. But with God, this does not necessarily exist. It is never too late to return and do the right thing. The biblical prodigal son’s destiny was on the brink of extinction. Yet in returning to the Father, he had a brand new beginning.5 There is hope for you too!

 The truth is, every sincere step you take towards God, He takes several of such steps back towards you. “Come close to God, and He will come close to you” says the Bible.6 Bro Paul said it best when he said, “let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need.”7 So, let’s take a full advantage of this.

 In the words of Nelson Mandela, that South African statesman; “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” The Bible records the following concerning Abraham: “And he went on his journey from the South as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, to the place of the altar which he had made there at first. And there Abram called on the name of the Lord”8

 It’s time to go back to the drawing board. Shalom!

 Thank you.

 James Adekoje
For The Bible Motivator

1 Heb 6.12 (NIV) 2 Gen 28.16-22 3 Rev 2.3-4 4 Gen 35.1 5 Luke 15.17-20 6 James 4.8 7 Heb 4.16 (TLB) 8 Gen 13:3-4.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Living By Vision & Revelation

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’
Proverbs 29:18 KJV

“Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision."
-Ayn Rand, Novelist

Vision is the energy of progress and a determinant of destiny. Vision is no doubt one of the most powerful forces available to a man on earth today. It gives meaning to life, keeps us alive and conditions our lives. Vision inspired the Greeks to produce philosophy and art that still impacts the thinking of our world. It motivated the great Roman Empire to expand its influence and develop the known world. Vision inspired the explorers who circumvented the globe and ignited the creation and expansion of many of the nations we know today. It is your vision that determines your destiny.

Proverbs 29:18 says, ‘where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ True vision is not based on what a person sees with the physical eyes alone, but on the images seen with the inward eyes of the mind. A man of vision sees what God has planned for him before its fulfillment. Vision entails planning and goal-setting. Every great person in history owned a personal vision. A man with no vision is at best a living corpse. He desires nothing and achieves nothing.

Is your life directed by a clear vision? Do you know your potential for fulfilling this vision? Have you developed a concrete plan for your vision? What active steps have you taken towards the fulfillment of your vision? Do you recognize people’s influence on your vision? These are all questions you need to answer if you will leave your footprints on the sands of time. When you begin to act on your vision, it will stir up both those who want to help you and those who want to hinder you. How passionate are you about your vision?

 Vision requires faith for fulfillment. Have you built up the faith necessary for the fulfillment of your God-given vision? And most importantly, what is the source of your vision?

In addition to true vision, God’s people live by revelation. A Christian is expected to operate on a God-given vision and by revelation. Christianity is an intimate growing relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. Every child of God should therefore live by the revelation of the Word. We should live by what the Word of God says. God expect you to arrange your life based on His Word, regardless of whether it makes sense to you or not, and regardless of whether it is convenient or not.

God knows what is best for your future, your family, your church and your country. He wants to reveal what is on His heart to you, if only He can get your attention. He expects you to diligently pursue your vision and revelations He drops in your spirit.
Actualizing your vision and the revelation God gives you requires diligence, integrity, focus, good human relations, prayer and faith. How prepared are you to live by these?

Action Point: Dust up that vision or revelation God gave you so long ago and diligently run with it.

© Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E.A Adeboye

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Present Truth: Christ In You

The Present Truth: Christ In You

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth
1Corithians 13.8

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
- Winston Churchill

"The truth, according to Winston Churchill, is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.1 It takes the truth to experience a real triumph. To establish this fact, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8.32). What an insight! The first century apostle, Bro Paul, in his word excitedly testified to the efficacy of the truth everywhere he went. “Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph, making manifest the savour of His know in every place”, He said (2 Cor 2.14). You either stand with the truth, or be stranded without it.

 During His passionate intercession for His disciple, Jesus revealed that the revelation of God’s word is the truth. “Sanctify them by your word, your word is truth” -John 17.17. Truth as we know is dynamic because revelation of God’s word is progressive. God once told Moses, “I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them” Exo 6.3

Against this backdrop, the then current revelation of JEHOVAH became the national name of the God of Israel until Christ was revealed in these last days for the world to embrace. Remember, all the fullness of Godhead is now contained in Christ Jesus and Christ is in you. This is the current reality! 

“Even the mystery which hath been hidden from the ages and from generation, but now is made manifest to the saints. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentle, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” - Col 1.27

Peter in the Holy Ghost talked about being established in the present truth (2Pet 1.12). Thus, the present truth as unveiled by redemption is, Christ in you, the hope of glory. You carry Christ -the power and the wisdom of God everywhere you go. This is one spiritual fact no believer must let go. Who you are or how you feel does not matter, your unflinching faith in the reality of Christ in you is your wining edge as a saint.  

Don’t let traditions become rules and debunk Christ Jesus! Why live under the obscurity of a shadow when the real thing is present?

Always remember the present truth; Christ in you, the hope of glory. Shalom

James Adekoje
For The Bible Motivator

Monday, May 11, 2015

At Hope’s End? Rely on God’s Word

“Abraham, when hope was dead within him, went on hoping in faith …. He relied on the word of God.”
Romans 4:18 Phillips

"We lie to God in prayer if we do not rely on him afterwards"

How do you know when hope has died in your life? You start using the word “never.” I’m never going to get married. I’m never going to graduate. I’m never going to get well. I’m never going to get out of debt. I’m never going to be able to let go of my past and forget all of that shame and heartache. I’m never going to be able to change. I’m never going to see this situation turn around. That’s when hope has died.

What do you do when your hope dies? Romans 4:18 says, “Abraham, when hope was dead within him, went on hoping in faith …. He relied on the word of God” (Phillips).

When you are at a dead-end, you need the Bible. Read it. Study it. Memorize it. Think about it. Write it down on little notecards, and go over it. The Bible is full of promises. You rely on the Word and trust in its promises, and it will revive you emotionally. Nothing else is going to encourage you like the Bible. When you rely on the Word of God, you don’t panic because you’re reminded that, even though something is out of your control, it’s not out of God’s control.

A dead-end is a test of your faith. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:17, “While God was testing him, Abraham still trusted in God and his promises, and so he offered up his son Isaac” (TLB). God said he wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son, and Abraham didn’t blink an eye. He didn’t panic because he remembered what God could do, and he relied on what God had promised him.

What happens when God takes your most precious dream and wants you to give it up? Can you do that in faith? You’re at a dead-end, and God’s going to deliver you if you give the right answer.

Some of you are at a dead-end now, and it seems there is no way out. But things are never as bleak as they seem. You’re looking at it from the human viewpoint rather than from God’s viewpoint.

Romans 4:20 says, “Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened.”

A promise is only as good as the character of the person who makes the promise. The Bible says God cannot lie because he is complete truth. If he makes a promise to you, he’s going to fulfill it. It will happen exactly as he has said. When you’re at your dead-end, trust in that truth.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Thinking, New Possibilities

Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
- Romans 12.2 NLT

You've got to think high to rise.
                 -Walter D. Wintle

‘New Thinking, New Possibilities’ is a brand slogan recently launched by an automobile company to reflect its will to create new possibilities to benefit the world and its people by encouraging and developing new thinking. Interestingly, this concept is primarily rooted in the scripture. In the words of Brother Paul, a great first century Apostle; “Do not copy the behaviour of the world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good, and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12.2 NLT)

Of late at a ‘youth alive’ even we organized in my local church, the highly inspirational poem by Walter Wintle, “The Man Who Thinks He Can”, was featured in a spirit-filled style that remarkably enthralled the congregation of promising youths.

This famous poem, as written by Walter D. Wintle, a poet who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century, has never failed to inspire possibilities,  adventure, and most importantly, incredible self-belief which has been identified by experts as the bedrock of all personal success. Unfortunately, little to nothing is known about any details of his life.

“The Man Who Thinks He Can”                               

If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
  -Walter D. Wintle

Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Think possibilities. Shalom!

James Adekoje
For The Bible Motivator

Monday, March 2, 2015

A New Small Beginning

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.
Job 8.7

All great things start from small beginnings
-Marcus Cicero, Roman Statesman.

The beginning of a thing is very important because it serves as the foundation upon which everything else stands. The way you begin a thing can determine the speed, attitude and the degree of success or failure you will experience in it. I have good news for you: with Jesus on your side, you can always have a new beginning, even in a hopeless situation. There is no hopeless situation with God. He is the power behind and the source of everything you want to achieve in life (Colossians 1:17).

In any situation where you may have lost hope or experienced failure, with the involvement of Jesus, you can have a new beginning. Peter was already washing his net to pack up and go when Jesus came into the picture ( Luke 5:2-6 ). Humanly speaking Peter had done all that was expected. He got to the river very early in the morning, had the right tools to work with and went with the right team, yet he had no result until the Alpha and Omega stepped in.

One challenge most believers face is the inability to reconcile God’s timing with theirs. We find it difficult to link our present to our future. One thing we need to know is that God specializes in calling those things that be not as if they were. God can call you a manager when you are presently serving as a messenger. He can call you a billionaire while you don’t even know where your next meal will come from.

Do you know that the problem with many Christians is that of unbelief and fear of what God is calling them into? Many have remained on the same spot for so long because they are afraid to launch out. Many have wasted great opportunities because they don’t want to leave their comfort zone. Many great doors have been shut because those to whom they were opened did not have enough courage to step in. Because you have done
all you can and nothing changed is not enough reason to give up. All you need is to call upon the Alpha which is Jesus. He will give you a brand new beginning and He will guide you until your small beginning becomes very great.

You must never despise the days of your small beginnings. There can never be glory without a story. You must cultivate the habit of always praising God for every phase of your life. Some people are so preoccupied with what God is doing in other people’s lives that they have refused to celebrate the faithfulness of God in their own small beginning. Never despise that business that is starting small.

Never despise that position that looks inconsequential. Never despite that location that looks unpromising. Never despite that marriage that is starting small. That level you are on now is not your destination; you are on a mission and you can never be through until the whole world has seen the glory of God in your life.


Source: ©Open Heavens Devotionals by Pastor E.A Adeboye

Monday, February 16, 2015

A Matter Of Love


Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of love we call Valentine's Day dates back to the 3rd century when St. Valentine, who later became a Christian martyr, pioneered a Love-initiative in his parting letter to Julia, a fellow prisoner. That now redefines the essence of unconditional love (Agape) our Lord Jesus Christ re-established in redemption.
Similarly, Paul –an apostle of Jesus Christ, around 55 AD wrote a Love-letter to the Corinthian Church, explicitly describing the personality of this Sweetheart called LOVE.
Here is “thebiblemotivator” inspirational version of Bro Paul’s  love letter (1 Corinthians 13) for 21st century Christians. It reads thus:

1Corinthians 13
1. Though I can speak five languages and talk intelligently on dozens of subjects, if I don’t have enough love to keep from gossiping or putting down others, I’m not just making so much useless noise, I’m being downright destructive.
2. And though I read the Bible regularly and even know parts of it by heart, and though I pray daily and have a lot of faith and other spiritual gifts, if I don’t have enough love to sometimes sacrifice some of my personal desires for others’ sakes, then all of my “spirituality” amounts to nothing.
3. And though I work two jobs to provide for my family, and though I give to charity and volunteer for every community project that comes up, if I don’t show love and kindness to those I live and work with, all my hard work and self-sacrifice are worthless.
4. Love has a long, hard, frustrating day at the office, yet doesn’t get snappy and short-tempered. Love is happy for the other guy when he gets all the breaks. Love doesn’t have to drive the flashiest car, live in the biggest house, or have all the latest gadgets.  Love doesn’t always have to be the boss or have the last word.
5. Love isn’t rude or crude, isn’t selfish, and doesn’t gripe, guilt-trip, or pressure others to get what it wants. Love is too busy being concerned about the needs of others to spend much time worrying about its own. Love doesn’t freak out when things don’t go its way.  Love is quick to believe the best about people and slow to believe the rest.
6. Love hates to hear gossip and instead wants only to talk about others’ good qualities and the good that they’ve done. Love knows that what it listens to, watches, or reads will affect its attitudes and actions and thereby have an effect on others, so it’s careful about how it spends its time.
7. Love is flexible, takes everything in stride, and can handle whatever comes its way.  Love is always ready to give others the benefit of the doubt and looks for the best in them. Love wants to see others reach their full potential and does all it can to make that happen. Love never runs out of patience, even with those who are slow to get with the program or do their share. Love doesn’t keep looking at its watch when others are talking.
8. Love never fails. I fail others, and others can fail me.  We all can be mistaken, misguided, or confused at times. Our words and deeds often fall short, and our bright ideas don’t always play out the way we want or expect them to.
9. We’re frail, fallible, and often foolish, and our understanding of the world we live in, not to mention the world to come, is only partial at best.
10. But when God’s Spirit of love lives in us, that changes everything.
11. We’re really just children when it comes to practicing real love, but God can help us outgrow our childish ways
12. Without Him we’re clueless when it comes to love and the other things that matter most in life, but when we live in His kingdom—the kingdom of Heaven that Jesus said is even now within us—we can see things as He does, get our priorities straight, pull out the stops, and live and love to the full.
13. There are lots of nice things in life and lots of good things, but none are as good or as important as love!
Take grace for Agape love. Happy Valentine
Thank you

 James Adekoje

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Stand Tall By Falling To Your Knees

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
-Phil 4.6

The strongest action you can take in any situation is to go to your knees and ask God for help. Whatever is worth worrying about is certainly worth praying about. Prayer unlocks God's treasure chest of great ideas.

One of my favorite prayers is only one word: Help!

"Help, help, help!"

When we pray, we must simultaneously be willing to take the action that God directs in answer to our prayer.

Four kinds of prayer are:

   Petition: "Father, I need."
   Intercession: "God, help."
   Praise and thanksgiving: "Thanks, Lord!"
   Conversation: "Good morning, Father."

In Philippians 4:6-7 the apostle Paul counsels us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." And in Colossians 4:2 he says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."

Here are twelve benefits of prayer:

Prayer defeats the devil (Matt. 18:18).
Prayer saves the unbeliever (Acts 2:21).
Prayer edifies the believer (Jude v. 20).
Prayer sends laborers into the harvest (Matt. 9:38).
Prayer heals the sick (James 5:13-15).
Prayer overcomes the impossible (Matt. 21:22).
Prayer changes the natural (James 5:17-18).
Prayer brings the right things to pass (Matt. 7:7-11).
Prayer imparts wisdom (James 1:5).
Prayer brings peace (Phil. 4:5-7).
Prayer guards against temptation (Matt. 26:41).
Prayer reveals God's answers (Luke 11:9-10).

© John Mason, from the book,  An Enemy Called Average

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Passion In Your Heart

“Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it springs the issues of life.
 -Prov 4.23

 “Your passion is a pointer to the problem you are created to solve”.
-Mike Murdock, American Preacher

 Sequel to the previous post on Gifts and Calling, a dimension to this that I could not adequately stress is following the passion in your heart. God benevolently wired every human being with some specific passion that, in part, points to their role(s) in life. My aim in this short thought-provoking article is to further set you on fire in your quest for personal identity, which would thus help you live intentionally as a person on a mission here.

 A strong point I emphasize throughout the book I look forward to publishing soon is, “No matter where life drops us, there is something in our lives empowered by God to do the impossible.” There is no accident in God. He’s a God of purpose, plan and objectivity. You either have a major gift or a ruling passion. David Oyedepo succinctly nails it on the head when he opined that, “You are either, running with a vision, going on a mission, or burning with a passion… If you do not belong to any of these, life is reduced to a burden.”

 Some may claim they do not have any special gifts, although this is not true, but there is something else that sets you apart; the passion in your heart. “What has God wired me for?” Some moments of rumination on this question can be incredibly illuminating.

It is written in Psa 33.14-15, “From the place of His dwelling He (God) looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.” On purpose, God wires every one of us with some inimitable uniqueness. And this heartfelt passion is a pointer to your crusade in life. As implied in the bible passage above, God assesses your service & contributions to humanity on this basis. It’s Mike Murdock that said, “Your passion is a pointer to the problem you are created to solve”.
The world cannot forget the charitable impacts of the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta in a hurry. Although Mother Teresa was not known to have carried any special charismatic gift, yet her overwhelming passion for the Indian helpless made her an Icon. She built homes for orphans, nursing homes for lepers and hospices for the terminally ill in India. Mother Teresa died a legend, having left her footprints on the sands of time.

The scripture is right all along in this regard, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it springs the issues of life. (Prov 4:23)  What makes you come alive? As Carl Jung once said, “your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” Your attractions, desire, likes, commitments and prayers are an indication of what you are destined for.
If you are a banker and you are innately passionate about media, that may be your calling. I am aware that economic necessity and family responsibility may require you to work for a season outside the area of your passion, but don't settle there. Follow your passion.

One interesting thing about your passion is that, even when you suppress it, it keeps resurfacing throughout your lifetime; a common phenomenon experienced by prophet Jeremiah in the Bible (See Jer 20.9). So, obey the inner voice.
Following your passion is highly rewarding apart from a sense of fulfilment it stimulates. As Jesus Christ once revealed to his disciples in clear terms, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Perhaps we've all heard it time and again since we were young: “Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley

Follow your passion, do what you love. Shalom

Thank you.

James Adekoje